Agent on Windows

The following instructions will remove the ESM Agent Windows Service, registry entries, and files from the file system.


This guide assumes that the Agent is installed in D:\esm\esm-agent, please adjust the paths in the instructions below for your environment.

  1. Open a command prompt and run the following command: D:\esm\esm-agent\Uninstall.exe.
  2. The Uninstall wizard will appear. The uninstallation process will begin automatically.
  3. A command prompt window will appear displaying "Press any key to continue...". Press Enter twice!
  4. After pressing the Enter key for the second time the Uninstaller will attempt to stop a running agent. When prompted to "Press any key to continue...". Press Enter twice!
  5. A new command prompt window will appear displaying "Press any key to continue...". Press Enter twice!
  6. After pressing the Enter key for the second time the Uninstaller will attempt to remove the Agent's Windows Service. When prompted to "Press any key to continue...". Press Enter twice!
  7. Click Close
  8. Navigate to (D:\esm) and delete the esm-agent folder.

Last update: April 24, 2023
Created: April 24, 2023